This thought-provoking series delves into the complex and often untold history of African American contributions to the Confederate war effort during the Civil War. Participants will explore the roles African Americans played—often involuntarily—in supporting the war, their struggles and resilience, and how their stories resonate today.
Week 2: Lavinia Corley Thompson’s Story
Learn about the remarkable life of Lavinia Corley Thompson, born enslaved in 1844 in Aiken County. Lavinia followed her master into battle, serving as a cook for the Confederate army, and decades later became one of about 100 Black South Carolinians to receive a Confederate pension. Her life story is a testament to survival and endurance.
About the Instructor:
Dr. Walter B. Curry, founder of Renaissance Publications & Interpretive Education, LLC, is an award-winning author and historian whose work focuses on family lineage, slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction in South Carolina. His engaging presentations have been featured at conferences and workshops across the country.