Join the Neighborhood Association
If you are a homeowner, renter, or business in Cottontown, we encourage you to join the neighborhood association!
Benefits for membership include:
A voice in neighborhood business – Members can vote on any business that impacts the neighborhood, annual board elections, and bylaw changes.
A voice on neighborhood committees – Members can join any neighborhood committee and contribute to activities that enhance Cottontown.
Annual dues help cover costs associated with our quarterly newsletter and website and special notices, neighborhood social events, signage, and beautification.
**Must live in the neighborhood or be a business located in or adjacent to the neighborhood to join.
Cost to join:
$10/year per adult w/ a maximum of two adults/household (Options 1 or 2 below)
$50/year for businesses (Options 3 or 4 below)
*** If you would like to pay by cash or check, download the form and contact Jeff Seshun at to set up a time to drop off your form and payment.
Cottontown Individual Membership- Cottontown Historic Neighborhood Association Dues- ONE TIME PAYMENT
Cottontown Individual Membership- Cottontown Historic Neighborhood Association Dues- ONE TIME PAYMENT
Neighborhood Membership Dues $10/adult (maximum of 2 adults/household) - ONE TIME PAYMENT for one person who lives or rents in Cottontown. Columbia, SC